Carers Event for Lakeside Corby Patients.

Carers groups, healthcare workers and community agencies are collaborating on a Carers Event to help support Corby Lakeside patients who are also carers.

Invitations have been sent out to all practice patients currently registered as carers, however any patient who is also carer is welcome to attend the event on Wednesday 7 June 2023 from 10am to 1pm. People can come along for all or part of the session.

Personalised Care Manager Kareema McCarthy said:

'This is a great opportunity for carers to get together, for support, networking and advice. Being a carer can be isolating at times so this is a way for them to find out what is available, both via Lakeside and from other agencies including Northants Carers, Agewell and the Fire Service. It is the first time we have run an event like this, and so we are hoping that it will be well attended.'

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