Help Us Help You Campaign


Image of NHS Help us Help You Campaign - Text reads: Don't carry the worry of cancer with you.

  • Text Reads: Don't carry the worry of cancer with you. 
  • Logos: HM Government Logo, Clear on Cancer: Help us help you logo, NHS logo

NHS England has launched a new phase of the 'Help Us, Help You' campaign taking a radically different approach to detecting cancer earlier for patients, when it is easier to treat.

The campaign aims to address the barriers to people coming forward early by encouraging those who have noticed something in their body that doesn't feel right and are worried it could be cancer to contact their GP practice.


The campaign will reassure people that getting tested for cancer will put their mind at rest. Until you find out, you can't rule it out.

Survey data released reveals that over half (53%) of the public worry about cancer every few months or more, while over 1 in 6 (17%) worries about cancer at least once a week.

Two thirds (66%) would also speak to friends and family before anyone else if they were worried about cancer symptoms. The most common reasons the public cited for waiting to book a GP appointment were not wanting to find out bad news and hoping the symptoms would go away on their own.

The campaign is running across TV, radio, and social media between 16 January and 19 February 2023 and is the first 'Help Us, Help You' cancer campaign to focus on tackling the 'fear' of cancer rather than specific symptoms.

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