Latest CQC Report published for Lakeside Healthcare at Stamford


Lakeside Healthcare at Stamford has been taken out of special measures by the Care Quality Commission in a move which 'recognises the significant improvements' that have been made to the quality of care provided.

The surgeries, comprising St Mary's and Sheepmarket, retained an overall rating of Requires Improvement and inspectors upgraded the practice in 3 out of 5 key measures. Lakeside Healthcare at Stamford is now rated as 'Good' for having Effective and Well-Led services and the rating for Safe services, improved to Requires Improvement, from a previous rating of Inadequate.

Image of Lakeside Stamford

Inspectors said:

'Leaders demonstrated that they had the required capacity and skills, but further work was required to embed systems and processes in order for them to deliver high quality sustainable care'

They noted that the practice had carried out 'a significant amount of work to improve their service' and that patients 'mainly received effective care and treatment.' The dispensaries were 'adequately and safely managed' and 'appropriate standards of cleanliness and hygiene were met.' 

Non-Executive Director, Dr Gavin Cattigan said: 'While we, and the inspectors, acknowledge that more needs to be implemented, this report is a positive step forward. We will continue to work hard to implement change. The Good gradings demonstrate that we are making steady progress and the fact that we have been taken out of special measures is testament to this.  

'This judgement benchmarks the work we have done so far, and I would like to thank our team for their hard work and dedication. We will all continue to work closely with the Integrated Care Board and Patient Participation Group to continue to improve and build on the sustained progress that inspectors have noted.'  

The inspection report is available here: Lakeside Healthcare at Stamford - Care Quality Commission

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