Nichola takes on the London to Brighton bike ride


Nichola Taylor, who works in Management Support at Yaxley completed the 54-mile London to Brighton cycle race, raising cash for the British Heart Foundation.

Nichola was roped in after her sister, Louise, first signed up then persuaded other family members to take part. The four-strong team has raised nearly £1,200 and Nichola's sister is planning to do the double by competing in the off-road London to Brighton cycle race as well later this year.

Nichola said: 'Louise and I go out and about on our bikes most weekends but we are very much 'amateurs'. The atmosphere and support from the locals on the race day in June was great, even if the weather wasn't! We have entered the ballot for next year as well, so you never know, we may do it all again! Huge thanks to all our family, friends and colleagues who have helped us to reach our fundraising target as it is for such a good cause.'

To support Nichola please visit her Just Giving page

London to Brighton bike ride medal

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