Introducing our new Lead Allied Health Professional at St Neots


Lisa Hichisson is looking forward to her new role overseeing the nursing and Advanced Allied Health Professionals team. She has worked in both primary and secondary care since starting her paramedic career in the London ambulance service. 

It was a long-held childhood ambition to have a career in healthcare. She has also worked with 111 as a clinical advisor, was a bed manager at a busy hospital and also worked in a local minor injuries unit. 

She joined St Neots 18 months ago and finds the role, her first in Primary Care, really satisfying. She is passionate about wanting people to enjoy their roles and make the most of their skills. 

Image of Lisa the new Lead Nurse at St Neots

As the new Lead Allied Health Professional she will be working even more closely with colleagues: 'We have three paramedics and two nurse practitioners, the nursing and HCA staff and the GP Assistants that we are currently recruiting. The role should allow me to make a real difference to staff and patients. I enjoy my job and want others to enjoy theirs as much as possible. As with everything there will always be challenges, but we have a good team here with lots of knowledge and skills to build on so I am excited to start.' 

Lisa is expanding her own skillset as she is halfway through her Master's degree in Advanced Clinical Practice, which she completes in two years and is also doing her prescribing course, with the help of mentor Dr Claire Murphy,  so she should be qualified by the end of this year.

'The studying is quite intense, particularly doing two courses at once! The prescribing will broaden my knowledge and skills and, as I will be able to prescribe certain medicines it should take some pressure off colleagues such as the duty doctor. It will be a busy time juggling my new role and studies, but I am looking forward to it as I want to make a difference.'