Pet Therapy session at Castor Lodge Care Home


The residents at the wonderful Castor Lodge care home near Peterborough were visited by Baby, the British Shorthair, for some comforting cuddles and conversations with care coordinator Katie Frankum from the South Peterborough Primary Care Network.

Baby the cat with one of the residents

Baby the cat

Katie, accompanied by pet therapist Karen Schalbetter. said: 'The residents all enjoyed the day with plenty of smiles all round. Baby the cat was even greeted by lots of lovely staff around the home who were all so happy to see her. It's such a rewarding experience to put a smile on people's faces who perhaps have left pets behind to move into safe care accommodation. It brings back a lot of lovely memories for them. The residents especially found it funny that Baby was pushed around in a cat pushchair!'

It was the second therapy visit to a care home that Katie has organised in  South Peterborough PCN and there are plans for more.

Baby the cat

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